
We’re Here For You
We work with you to bring your vision to life. We make it happen. From customized gifts to customized items for your event. We also work with businesses.
How It Started
In January 2021, owner, Raquel Johnson wanted to create a brand she was passionate about and this was just that. Raquel loves crafting and creating things. She decided to invest in herself and her passion and came up with Strategic Prints & Designs or Strategic P.A.D. for short. A Major Piece.
How It Really Started
-A Message From Raquel
In January 2021 I decided to work on my business…
For those of you that were unaware I had started a business back in 2017 and I still had it, I had been contemplating changing the name and business, kind of like a whole do over…
So I came into the 2021 year with this already in mind… I had made some calls to verify the process and was told that it would be better if I did it in person. I was like ok no biggie I’ll get around to it eventually…
I still hadn’t went and this was a week or so since I had called, so I went and changed my business name on January 19th… I even changed my business website domain around it and everything…. I came up with my business name, logo, and I’ve been literally doing stuff for my business…
I made a decision to invest in my business and bought me a Cricut and that thing is a beast….
I started doing a couple of orders and that motivated me and I went and invested in my business and bought a desk and made an office space and I bought a Cricut press for heat transfers….
So that’s how it really started and it’s crazy because it’s like everything is just falling into place, literally….